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Learn Languages


This course is for ANY & ALL languages, not one specific language

It's time to finally learn languages with "know-how"!

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Tired of not advancing like you wish?

I want to learn languages

Once you join our course, you'll have access to our school through our membership area which you log in with your email and the password you'll get to your mail inbox. You'll get to see in your own pace more than 140 videos with concise advice on how to learn languages where I answer all your questions and tell you everything you need to know to learn a new language!

Why do people who know many languages are good at learning languages?

they know what to expect - Get an edge and think like a polyglot!

Learn how to ACTUALLY LEARN ANY language

- what and how to think and do!


Practical Advice

Extra Modules

This is a unique course with over 140 videos with advices on how to learn languages!

The course is divided in different categories

 and MORE THAN 200 advices/videos! 

You'll be able to chose the language you want to learn and know with conviction that you'll become fluent!


This is a preview of the course

(more videos below)

Learn what the course is about and what the membership area looks like! 

You probably do something different than other people and you can wrap your head around why other peopled don't do it, when it's so simple yet it makes things or a particular thing so much easier. This is exactly what this course is about. A life-hack to how to learn languages. Many things that once you know them - make you wonder how you didn't think about it and learn why it makes learning a language so much simpler.

Learn how to actually learn languages

Learn from an experienced teacher fluent in 6 languages who's tried to learn in many ways outside of the usual classroom lessons

Always wanted to learn a new language?

What if you are not "talented"

Is it too late to learn a language?

Can I learn many languages?

Is it possible to learn by myself?

Will I get confused?

What they say

Hear some testimonials from our early students

I wish I knew this years ago!

by Anthony Ramirez

It's crazy knowing that I could be fluent already in several languages and I let time pass by not realising obvious things that kept me stuck! I love the practical advices but most of all, it's the psychological advices that help me the most because that is literally what I was missing and why I kept giving up. 

I always gave up

by Jeff Stevenson

After Many years of trying, I didn't believe it was possible to learn languages and I had a lot of doubt I would ever learn a second language. The best thing about this course is that many things can actually be applied to other disciplines in life, as a trader, I see a lot of similarities now between trading and learning languages, wow. Gracias, Danke, Merci !

This course is extremely refreshing!

by Lisa Liebenstein

I love this course because it explains things in a very relatable way and I can connect it to every aspect of life. I now know why I got stuck and I'm looking forward to a new start in learning languages! Thank you so much! Now I think I will learn more than one language, hahah :)

Examples of the course

Get some FREE taste of what this course is about so you finally can learn languages without excuses once you got started!

Once you buy the course you get access in 1 computer 1 ipad and 1 phone with your e-mail so you can see it both at home and in the train

This is the outline of the course

This is the structure of the course and how the process of creating looks like. You have videos for all topics you need when it comes to learning languages. This gives you also an overall idea of the course and what you'll find and how you'll find it!

Module: Conceptual (18 vids)

A concept is a way you see things and it can give you new perspectives and an edge in life and any discipline for that matter. When it comes to learning languages I haven't really heard any concepts although there are some out there for sure. Well, yes, I'm lying I've heard the famous one saying: "Language is a key to a country" or "For each language one knows, one sees the world from different eyes". 

In my course, I share several new concepts and this is one that will make you see language learning from a whole new perspective!

Module: Psychology  (70 vids)

Many of the reasons people give up learning a language is directly related to what and how you think, excuses etc. This is an example of many videos where I tackle all your arguments on why you give up, get stuck in a plateau, limit yourself or waste time on nonsense that hinder you going forward and improving.

Module: Practical  (50 vids)

Of course there are plenty of things you can do to learn a language, many of them are traditional which are used in school, great, many others are obvious, and many others aren't obvious but we might have done them without realizing it or not done at all. Here is an example on what to do. In this case is an obvious thing that we often neglect.

Module: Pronunciation  (20 vids)

Pronunciation is so important that I have a module with several ideas, tricks and techniques on how to improve, why it's important and what to do and think about. You should start working on pronunciation from the get-go. For some reason many schools neglect the importance of pronunciation, but all polyglots agree that it's paramount for success.

Module: To remember  & Games (34 vids)

This is the favorite of everyone, how to remember quickly! Of course, everybody whats to know the language without any effort and to know things immediately. But even though that's not possible, there are ways you can use to remember words faster, some are drills, tips, techniques, games etc. Here's one example from my course! Enjoy.

How does our course work?


You literally go though 200+ videos, between 1 to 5 minutes with clear advice one how to think, how to act, what do do to learn languages and each individual aspect of the language and the process

Learn what it takes to learn a new language

  • Does it feel like you always fail at learning languages?

  • You aren't the only one

  • Do you feel lost and wanting to give up when learning a new language?

  • This is normal, when schools are terrible and you've given up so many times already, not only that, many people around you seem to have failed as well and look for the easy way.

  • Do you find it hard to find the right courses or APPs?

  • I have created this course for several reasons and this is one of them! There are plenty of courses, schools and APPs and none of them give me the lessons the way I deem necessary in oder to learn properly. This course tells you how to go about when learn a language both by yourself or if you already attend a course, and this course is also how I structure my own languages courses (Spanish Russian Swedish Chinese)

  • Did you "learn" a language in high school, yet can't say a basic phrase properly if you life depended on it?

  • This is something I see most of the time! People who did 3 years of Spanish, German or French in high school and can barely say a few phrases. You aren't the only one. You've probably also tried other courses and feel lost. This course will make things clear for you and guide you through the process when learning any language.

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